

其實一般在紐西蘭的瑪芬是用酵母做的~ 所以當切開時會是軟軟QQ的 (有點像台灣的發糕啦) 口味有很多種~ 有甜的,有鹹的,加起司;培根或蔬菜.當地人吃的時候會加熱吃,配杯咖啡當早餐或下午茶呢.美國的瑪芬口感則是比較介於司康和蛋糕, 因為是用發酵粉做的.目前大部分在亞洲國家賣的瑪芬是比較偏向美式瑪芬,所以吃到蠻像發糕的紐西蘭瑪芬不要太驚訝喔.

       What is the difference between American muffins and muffins from New Zealand, Australia and England?
New Zealand and English muffins are a yeast-leavened bread which had a soft, bouncy texture when torn apart. They are served hot and can be sweet or savoury with cheese, bacon, courgette combinations.
       American muffins are a cross between a scone and a fairy cake and have a thicker batter mixture rather than a dough and are raised with baking powder. They too can be sweet or savoury and are exported to Asian countries where people are surprised when they experience the difference in texture from New Zealand and English variety as opposed to the harder American type of muffin. 


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